Stone Recharging Guide

Complete Guide to Recharging Stones:

Stones used in lithotherapy and spiritual practices absorb and emit energy. Over time, they can become "saturated" or lose their effectiveness.

To continue to benefit from their benefits, it is essential to purify and recharge them regularly.

Here is a handy guide to help you recharge your stones.

1. Why recharge your stones: Stones act as energy receivers and can accumulate negative vibrations or stagnant energies from their environment or from yourself. Recharging them restores their vitality and revives their basic energetic properties.

2. When to recharge your stones: There is no exact frequency to recharge your stones. It depends on the intensity of their use. However, here are some guidelines: Daily use: If you wear a stone every day or use it frequently, it is recommended to recharge it once a week. Occasional use: If you use the stone less often, a monthly recharge or after each use may be sufficient.

*Moon and lunar cycles : The full moon is an ideal time to recharge your stones, as it emits an intense and purifying energy.

3. How to recharge your stones: There are several methods for recharging stones, but we will only recommend one which is by far the most effective.

Recharge in the light of the moon:

- Why choose this method : Moonlight, especially that of the full moon, is soft and suitable for all stones. It purifies and recharges at the same time.

- How to proceed : Place your stones outside, on a windowsill where they will receive direct moonlight. Leave them overnight, then collect them in the morning. However, be careful not to leave your jewelry in a charging area that is too humid, this could affect the silver.

Conclusion : Recharging your stones is an essential step to keep them in good condition and preserve their energetic properties. A well-recharged stone will always be more effective and in harmony with you.